Tribute from Children
Ma, Thank you
Thank you, even if saying those words doesn’t begin to express what we feel when we say
Thank you for your never-ending love and your never-ending care.
From the days of our births, you always nurtured us.
Through our childhood, you always protected us.
Through our youth you always guided us.
Through our adult years, you gave us hope.
And now you’ve said goodbye.
We are sad, we cry, we lower our heads because you are gone now.
Gone is your smile, which accompanied us even when we were not at home.
That shoulder to cry on when we felt lost.
That warm embrace when we came home.
but even more, we feel lost.
We are thankful
We are thankful for all that you did for us,
You fought for us, endured for us, taught us
For all the times you admonished, criticized, supported, encouraged, praised, and yes, just loved us.
For all these times we say thank you. We know we will meet you again, to see that smile that even
now and in the future, will give us strength and hope for the future.
Farewell Ma. We love today and always
Henry Bright Nassar, Samuel Alfred Gyapong, Tamara Agyekum Adjei (Gyapong)